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Gets system metadata associated with the endpoint

Other Parsers:

  • Any tool that calls the Linux API or queries system information


  • N/A

TOML Collection

system = "Linux"

name = "systeminfo_collection"
directory = "./tmp"
format = "json"
compress = false
endpoint_id = "abdc"
collection_id = 1
output = "local"

artifact_name = "systeminfo"

Collection Options

  • N/A

Output Structure

A SystemInfo object structure

export interface SystemInfo {
/**Boot time for endpoint */
boot_time: number;
/**Endpoint hostname */
hostname: string;
/**Endpoint OS version */
os_version: string;
/**Uptime of endpoint */
uptime: number;
/**Endpoint kernel version */
kernel_version: string;
/**Endpoint platform */
platform: string;
/**CPU information */
cpu: Cpus[];
/**Disks information */
disks: Disks[];
/**Memory information */
memory: Memory;
/**Performance information */
performance: LoadPerformance;

* CPU information on endpoint
export interface Cpus {
/**CPU frequency */
frequency: number;
/**CPU usage on endpoint */
cpu_usage: number;
/**Name of CPU */
name: string;
/**Vendor ID for CPU */
vendor_id: string;
/**CPU brand */
brand: string;
/**Core Count */
physical_core_count: number;

* Disk information on endpoint
export interface Disks {
/**Type of disk */
disk_type: string;
/**Filesystem for disk */
file_system: string;
/**Disk mount point */
mount_point: string;
/**Disk storage */
total_space: number;
/**Storage remaining */
available_space: number;
/**If disk is removable */
removable: boolean;

* Memory information on endpoint
export interface Memory {
/**Available memory on endpoint */
available_memory: number;
/**Free memory on endpoint */
free_memory: number;
/**Free swap on endpoint */
free_swap: number;
/**Total memory on endpoint */
total_memory: number;
/**Total swap on endpoint */
total_swap: number;
/**Memory in use */
used_memory: number;
/**Swap in use */
used_swap: number;

* Average CPU load
export interface LoadPerformance {
/**Average load for one (1) min */
avg_one_min: number;
/**Average load for five (5) min */
avg_five_min: number;
/**Average load for fifteen (15) min */
avg_fifteen_min: number;